Feb 16, 2018 | Take Action! |
Survived and Punished calls for the freedom of all incarcerated survivors. California has increased the number of commutations for Life Without Parole sentencing, meaning fewer people are sentenced to die in prison because they have a chance at parole. One strategy...
Feb 7, 2018 | General News |
Welcome home, Bresha. In this post, #FreeBresha organizers Colby Lenz and Mariame Kaba review how #FreeBresha successfully advocated for Bresha Meadows, an Ohio teen who was jailed after killing her father in self-defense. (Originally published at Teen Vogue)...
Aug 15, 2017 | Take Action! |
​#FreeKy PLEASE SHARE & TAKE ACTION TODAY Sign the petition: http://bit.ly/Justice4Ky Write the Governor to bring Ky home: http://bit.ly/2wtgov Ky Peterson is a black trans man from Georgia. In 2011, as he was walking home from a convenience store, a man hit him...
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