Jul 1, 2010 | General News, Take Action! |
[tweetmeme source= ‘yourtwittername’ only_single=false] The following is a statement from Palestinian Queers for BDS: Palestinian Queers for BDS Call upon all Queer groups, organizations and individuals around the world to Boycott the Apartheid State of...
Jun 18, 2010 | Events, General News |
Thousands of organizers, artists, healers, writers, and more are converging in Detroit beginning this week for the expansive and exciting movement building events, the Allied Media Conference and the US Social Forum. It promises to be a generative time for all of us...
May 27, 2010 | General News |
In April, the movement for social justice lost two extraordinary community organizers, Dorothy Height & Wilma Mankiller. We honor these women for their profound bravery, strategic vision, and wise leadership. Wilma Mankiller (1945-2010) was the first female...
May 25, 2010 | Art & Performance, Events, General News |
Activists continue to mobilize against SB 1070 in Arizona and for immigration justice in the US, including a film festival, a human rights march, and an organizing summit in Arizona on May 28-30. We invited women of color, trans people of color, & queer people of...
May 24, 2010 | Events, General News |
Domestic workers are organizing in San Francisco, New York, and around the world to establish a bill of rights that acknowledges the value of their labor and pushes for economic justice and freedom from physical and sexual violence, exposure to toxics, dehumanizing...
May 22, 2010 | General News |
South End Press announces a critical and exciting new book on community accountability, The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities, by editors, Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani, and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. Book...
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