
Abolitionist Feminist Resources to Dismantle Policing
The ongoing violence and terror caused by police in our homes, on the street, in schools, on borders, abroad, and in hidden places like police cars, jails, prisons, and detention centers has to end. To achieve safety for our communities, policing must be abolished and...

APR 30: Abolition Feminism: Celebrating 20 years of INCITE!
Twenty years ago INCITE! was born as a national radical feminist of color organization committed to ending both interpersonal and state violence. Abolition feminism is a liberatory vision of a world free from all forms of violence including gender violence and the...

BYP 100 hosting virtual book club on Color of Violence!
The BYP100 Our She Safe, We Safe campaign is launching a virtual bookclub! We're starting with the Color Of Violence Anthology by INCITE! to celebrate 20 years of INCITE!'s work. Sign up here to get the readings and discussion guide: About the...

Abolition Feminism: Celebrating 20 years of INCITE!
Barnard Center for Research on Women Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action Initiative presents... Abolition Feminism: Celebrating 20 years of INCITE! Thursday, April 30, 2020, 6–9 PM Panel Discussion Event Oval, The Diana Center, 3009 Broadway, New...

New Report on Safety and Healing for Black Survivors of Sexual Violence
Expanding Our Frame, Deepening our Demands for Safety and Healing for Black Survivors of Sexual Violence is a recently published report by Andrea Ritchie for the National Black Women's Justice Institute. Excerpt below: [T]hroughout U.S. history, Black women,...

New Resources for Transformative Justice and Community Accountability
This year, several exciting resources have emerged that help build practices and strategies for Transformative Justice and Community Accountability: Resource Websites: is a resource hub about ending violence. It offers an introduction to...

Building Accountable Communities: A Video Series
Accountability is a familiar buzz-word in contemporary social movements, but what does it mean? How do we work toward it? In this series of four short videos, anti-violence activists Kiyomi Fujikawa and Shannon Perez-Darby ask and explore: What does it...

How Can We Reconcile Prison Abolition With #MeToo?
Victoria Law @ Filter. Excerpt below: “We call on social justice movements to develop strategies and analysis that address both state AND interpersonal violence, particularly violence against women. Currently, activists/movements that address state violence (such as...

Aug 6-12: #FreeThemAll Week of Action
Please join us on August 6-12 for #FreeThemAll National Week of Action to demand the immediate release of ALL criminalized survivors. Each day we’ll share information, updates, experiences of survivors, and ways for people to take action, including: Domestic Violence,...

#SayHerName Week of Action: June 11-17, 2018
Take action to end state and patriarchal violence against all Black women & girls. Join BYP100 and a coalition of organizers for the #SayHerName Week of Action, Jul 11-18, 2018. Learn More!
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