
Help the Shawty Got Skillz Skillsharers Get to the AMC!

Help the Shawty Got Skillz Skillsharers Get to the AMC!

From the Shawty Got Skillz Skillsharers: Help the Shawty Got Skillz Skillsharers Get to the AMC! Hello Interwebs! It’s about that time again for the best conference ever! Yes, the Allied Media Conference will be happening June 23-26 in Detroit and we want to be there!...

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The Revolution Starts At Home Anthology is Out & On the Road!

The Revolution Starts At Home Anthology is Out & On the Road!

After seven years of hard work, the anthology, The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities, edited by Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, is finally printed and out!   And there are tour dates! ...

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No Simple Solutions: State Violence and the Sex Trades

No Simple Solutions: State Violence and the Sex Trades

A response posted by an INCITE! affiliate and collective of radical women  of color, queer people of color, and Indigenous people who identify as people in the sex trades. As a collective of radical women and queer people of color and Indigenous people who identify as...

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Migritude, by Sokari Ekine We have traveled half the world with hearts open, we’ve seen everything. Always remember who we are, where we came from, and you’ll never do evil [From ‘What we keep’ ©] Migritude is a gift of which Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak writes: ‘A...

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