Aug 19, 2010 | General News |
International Indigenous Women’s Symposium Declaration for Health, Life and Defense of Our Lands, Rights, and Future Generations We, Indigenous women from the regions of North America, Latin America, the Arctic, Caribbean and the Pacific, gathered June 30th to...
Aug 9, 2010 | Calls for Writing/Artistic/Workshop Submissions |
[tweetmeme source= ‘yourtwittername’ only_single=false]An exciting call for submissions from This Bridge Called My Baby: Legacies of Radical Mothering “We can learn to mother ourselves.” Audre Lorde, 1983 All...
Jul 11, 2010 | General News |
[tweetmeme source= ‘yourtwittername’ only_single=false] As a follow-up to our last post about reproductive justice work in the U.S. South , check out this news release from Sistersong , a women of color reproductive justice collective, about their defeat...
May 22, 2010 | INCITE! Announcements |
Hello INCITE network! We are very excited to remind you that INCITE! will partner with To Tell You The Truth to host a track of workshops and strategy sessions at the Allied Media Conference, June 17-20, 2010 in Detroit, MI. Read more about the track at...
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