
Call for submissions: Online and printed zine about dealing with body/hair/size/fat phobia for and by Indigenous peoples and people of color

Call for submissions: Online and printed zine about dealing with body/hair/size/fat phobia for and by Indigenous peoples and people of color

[tweetmeme source= 'yourtwittername' only_single=false] **PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY** Call for submissions: Online and printed zine about dealing with body/hair/size/fat phobia for and by Indigenous peoples and people of colour. Title: To be decided/announced. Deadline:...

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the city of my desire

the city of my desire

[tweetmeme source= 'yourtwittername' only_single=false]reposted from, with permission __ the city of my desire by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha 11/19/2010 -for critical resistance, and after amir rabiyah and li young lee in the city of my desire...

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thinking through “infowar”

thinking through “infowar”

brownfemipower of flip flopping joy is back with two guest posts on Wikileaks, state sexual violence, & infowars.  The first installment is below. Originally posted here. --- So, in perhaps the most ignored declaration of the year–a war has begun. And I’ve been...

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re: wikileaks

re: wikileaks

[tweetmeme source= 'yourtwittername' only_single=false] brownfemipower of flip flopping joy is back with two guest posts on Wikileaks, state sexual violence, & infowars.  The second installment is above. Originally posted here. --- the fact that there has been no...

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Street Harassment of Women and Girls in New York City

Street Harassment of Women and Girls in New York City

[tweetmeme source= 'yourtwittername' only_single=false]The following post is testimony given by Alison Roh Park to the Committee on Women's Issues Hearing on the issue of street harassment of women and girls in New York City.  The testimony was given on October 28,...

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Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance

[tweetmeme source= 'yourtwittername' only_single=false]Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day of reflecting on the epidemic rates of violence against transgender people, especially trans women of color, and mourning our beloved family, friends, and community...

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