one of the fabulous raffle prizes!

Hello INCITE network!

We are very excited to remind you that INCITE! will partner with To Tell You The Truth to host a track of workshops and strategy sessions at the Allied Media Conference, June 17-20, 2010 in Detroit, MI. Read more about the track at

We need to raise $4,000 to support travel, housing, food and childcare costs for 10 AMAZING mamas, community care-givers and their kids attending the AMC and USSF. Read more about them below. We need your help!

Please support the INCITE/To Tell You The Truth Track by making a donation on the To Tell You The Truth site by following the PayPal link on the bottom right of the page here:

As a thank-you for your donation, you will be entered into a raffle, with the chance to win one of the 2 FABULOUS RAFFLE PACKAGES of Mamas and Feminist of Color Media (described below).

For a $5 donation, you will receive one raffle ticket
For a $20 donation, you will receive five raffle tickets
For a $100 donation or more, you will receive 60 raffle tickets

Make your donation today here!

    Raffle Package #1

* An INCITE! T-shirt
* The Gloria Anzaldua Reader by AnaLouise Keating. This reader—which provides a representative sample of the poetry, prose, fiction, and experimental autobiographical writing that Anzaldúa produced during her thirty-year career—demonstrates the breadth and philosophical depth of her work.
* A one-year subscription to Make/Shift magazine. Make/shift creates and documents contemporary feminist culture and action by publishing journalism, critical analysis, and visual and text art. Made by an editorial collective committed to antiracist, transnational, and queer perspectives, make/shift embraces the multiple and shifting identities of feminist communities. We know there’s exciting work being done in various spaces and forms by people seriously and playfully resisting and creating alternatives to systematic oppression. Make/shift exists to represent, participate in, critique, provoke, and inspire more of that good work.
* I Was a . . . Student Nurse! by China. Every page oozes personality: a distrust of science, a vague but persistent spirituality, her own brand of low self-esteem, love for her children and friends, and a constant desire to be anywhere but where she is. And the setting–nursing school–is one we’ve never seen depicted from this angle. (Poems about genetic recombination and stoichiometry? Never saw that coming.) Sometimes we found ourselves screaming (at least in our heads) at China to get over her fear of hospitals. She’s the one who chose nursing school, not us. But it’s China’s ability to cause such reactions that keeps us reading.
* Los Viajes: a literary anthology by POOR Magazine. For a year and a half POOR Magazine conducted free bi-lingual, multi-generational, art and writing workshops in shelters, schools and community centers with migrant poverty scholars from across the globe to be included in the audio and print anthology called Los Viajes..Los Viajes introduces a new lens on migration of peoples across Pacha Mama informed by the UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples.
* A DVD of Motherland, a Jennifer Steinman film. An honest and intimate look at the complexities of grief and healing, Motherland is about resilience, triumph of the human spirit and the power of unconditional love. It also reminds us of the vastly different ways in which disparate cultures confront deeply felt personal challenges.Each year over eight million families around the world suffer the loss of a child. In Jennifer Steinman’s moving and inspiring documentary film, a 17-day trip to South Africa transforms the lives of six grieving women from across the US.
* Dressy Bessy: holler and stomp – CD
* To tell the Truth Freely by Mia Bay
* Mamaphiles #4 – Raising Hell – Mamaphiles returns for its fourth issue with the theme of “raising hell.” The newest installment includes 34 contributors, including papa zinesters. Check in with your favorite parent zinesters and discover some new favorites as you learn about the many zines that have come out since #3 was released in 2007. In addition to fabulous essays, poems, artwork, and photos, #4 includes comprehensive ordering information about each contributor’s zine. This is all new material, no repeats of the pieces in previous issues. (118 pages, half size)
* “Program a Playshop” Residency at Gris Gris Lab in New Orleans, LA. Program a Playshop is a Gris Gris Lab signature community building residency. Advocates, artists, healers, activists can live and work at GGL for up to 10 days and produce a playshop for the New Orleans Community. Work must involve some aspect of one of these themes: healing work,art, food justice and urban farming, sustainable economics or woman-centered work.

Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology, one of the raffle prizes!

    Raffle Package #2

* AN INCITE! T-shirt
* The Gloria Anzaldua Reader by AnaLouise Keating. This reader—which provides a representative sample of the poetry, prose, fiction, and experimental autobiographical writing that Anzaldúa produced during her thirty-year career—demonstrates the breadth and philosophical depth of her work.
* One year-long subscription to Make/Shift Magazine. Make/shift creates and documents contemporary feminist culture and action by publishing journalism, critical analysis, and visual and text art. Made by an editorial collective committed to antiracist, transnational, and queer perspectives, make/shift embraces the multiple and shifting identities of feminist communities. We know there’s exciting work being done in various spaces and forms by people seriously and playfully resisting and creating alternatives to systematic oppression. Make/shift exists to represent, participate in, critique, provoke, and inspire more of that good work.
* Slant by Laura Williams
* The Dancer from Khiva by Bibish. An autobiographical story, this is an unflinchingly honest memoir, The Dancer from Khiva is a true story that offers insight into Central Asian culture through the harrowing experiences of a young girl.
* Mamaphiles #4 – Raising Hell – Mamaphiles returns for its fourth issue with the theme of “raising hell.” The newest installment includes 34 contributors, including papa zinesters. Check in with your favorite parent zinesters and discover some new favorites as you learn about the many zines that have come out since #3 was released in 2007. In addition to fabulous essays, poems, artwork, and photos, #4 includes comprehensive ordering information about each contributor’s zine. This is all new material, no repeats of the pieces in previous issues. (118 pages, half size)
* Discovering Pig Magic by Julia Crabtree
* The Color of Violence INCITE! Anthology – What would it take to end violence against women of color? How does the mainstream antiviolence movement help? How does it hinder? When will we admit that repositioning women of color at the center of the movement— women more often harmed by the police, prisons, and border patrols than aided by them— means that we must address state violence?
* Once You Go Back by Douglas Martin
* Hermana, Resist : The Poetry Collection: “…media can be yours/and you can write your own history.” – Noemi Martinez. Authored and compiled by Noemi Martinez of Hermana, Resist this zine is breathtakingly beautiful and contains poems from 2000-2007.
* Resistance is a Duty! and other essays by comrades from Action Directe – Kersplebedeb
* I Was a . . . Student Nurse! by China. Every page oozes personality: a distrust of science, a vague but persistent spirituality, her own brand of low self-esteem, love for her children and friends, and a constant desire to be anywhere but where she is. And the setting–nursing school–is one we’ve never seen depicted from this angle. (Poems about genetic recombination and stoichiometry? Never saw that coming.) Sometimes we found ourselves screaming (at least in our heads) at China to get over her fear of hospitals. She’s the one who chose nursing school, not us. But it’s China’s ability to cause such reactions that keeps us reading.
* The Astonishment: Banana Sandwich

A subscription to make/shift magazine, one of the great raffle prizes!

This raffle is made possible with support from: Gris Gris Lab, New Mythos project (To tell you the Truth), INCITE!, Feminist Review!, Allied Media Projects (AMP)

Get to know the mamas and community care-givers of the INCITE! / To Tell You The Truth Track:

Rachel Caballero– La Semilla Collective (El Paso, TX) – Rachel Caballero was born and raised on the U.S./Mexico Border. As a Chicana and childcare worker, she is a founding member of La Semilla Childcare Collective of Austin, Texas, a group of individuals who believes childcare is a right and works in solidarity with groups such as Mamas of Color Rising, including children in radical movement building. As a radio pirateer and kid at heart Rachel currently resides in El Paso, Texas.

Tiny (aka Lisa Gray–Garcia) is a poverty scholar, revolutionary journalist, PO’ Poet, spoken word artist, welfareQUEEN, lecturer, INdigenous Boriken- Taina/Irish, mama of Tiburcio and daughter of Dee and the co–founder/ co-madre of POOR Magazine/PoorNewsNetwork and author of Criminal of Poverty: Growing Up Homeless in America

Gia M. Hamilton, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, is the founder of Gris Gris Lab,Inc., an International Healing Arts Space that addresses and explores women’s issues and sustainability in urban settings across the United States. For the past ten years Hamilton has applied her training via assessing and implementing progressive change in urban spears. Hamilton’s commitment to her vision has afforded her the opportunity to utilize her skills and expertise – as a researcher, curator, lecturer, ethnographer, facilitator, writer and as a training curricula designer and project and program developer — with non-profits not only in the U.S. but also in Jamaica, Mexico, Costa Rica, Haiti, France, Amsterdam and London.

China Martens is the author of “The Future Generation: The Zine-Book For Subculture Parents, Kids, Friends and Others” and a long time zinester (her zine the Future Generation started in 1990). As a 44 year-old empty nester proud single-mother of a 22-year-old daughter, she is now most interested in radical childcare and support for parents and children as a form of political activism. Along with Vikki Law, she is editing Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind, a Radical Parents’ Allies Handbook.

Noemi Martinez – Hermana, Resist (TX) (via skype) is a Chicana/Bori single mami poet, writer, and alternative media activist spiller of truths and secrets living in the militarized borderland of deep South Texas. She is the founder of, “a personal, political zine with literary tendencies which manifest in forms of poetry, free verse, haiku, short stories, journal entries, rants, raves, critiques, commentaries, photos, recipes and dreamy manifestos” and a zine-maker.

Jeanette Monsalve – is a collective member of Mamas of Color Rising in Austin, Texas. We are working on expanding birthing options for poor and working class women and documenting our stories in print and video. She is also a member of Yo Mamas catering cooperative formed from an AMC fundraiser and is the mother of 2.

Maegan “la Mamita Mala” Ortiz is a Queens. NYC born and bred Nuyorican poeta, freelance writer, blogger, activista, single mami, and the original twitterputa She currently publishes the daily Latino blog as one half of Dos Mujeres Media. She has lent her perspective to publications including Make/shift and Latina Magazine.

Katina Parker – New Orleans Labor of Love- is a communications consultant and social justice advocate who teaches social media, video and audio at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University.

tk (tanya karakashian) tunchez – To tell you the Truth/ The New Mythos Project- As the founder of To tell you the Truth blog and founder of The New Mythos Project, I am committed to using multi-media (testimonio, performance, video making, image production and sound) that supports healing through truth-telling for liberation. I have been focusing my current work on border-dwellers/crossers, intersectional movement builders, queerfemmedivas, welfare queens, radical m/others (self-identified single, teen and welfare mamaz), mamaz and community caregiver. I am the m/other of two fierce young people who teach me and grow with me daily.


With love,

The INCITE! National Collective and To Tell You The Truth

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