Policing Native Women & Native Two Spirit and Trans People

Policing Native Women & Native Two Spirit and Trans People

Policing Native Women & Native Two Spirit and Trans People The American Friends Service Committee reports that Native women in small communities in Maine were routinely profiled as prescription drug abusers, and, as a result, when detained in a Maine jail were...
Policing Native Women & Native Two Spirit and Trans People

Participatory Action Research

Participatory Action Research What is Participatory Action Research?   …and what does it have to do with stopping police brutality against women and trans people of color? Participatory Action Research, or “PAR”, is a way of collecting...
Policing Native Women & Native Two Spirit and Trans People

Organizing Tools & Strategies

Organizing Tools & Strategies Organizing strategies   Share your story as a woman of color and trans person of color who has experienced violence from law enforcement. Please contact us for more information. Build coalitions between anti-police...

Women of Color and Welfare

Women of Color and Welfare From: Working Hard, Staying Poor, published by the Women of Color Resource Center Welfare reform reduced welfare rolls by more than half, dropping the number of welfare recipients from 4.6 million to 2.4 million by 1999. However, while many...

Women of Color & Prisons

Women of Color & Prisons We are told that prisons will keep us safe from domestic and sexual violence, but prisons are a source of extreme violence for women of color. Consider:   Since 1980 the number of women in prison has increased at nearly double the...